Monday, November 3, 2008

Picking it up ... just a bit

Well, this year I decided to take a little different approach to my IronMan training. For IMWI 2007 I followed a training plan that had some slow easy workouts and some more intensive type of workouts. For IMKY 2008, I used the same training plan but I dialed down all the intensive type workouts and basically just stayed in the "Base" mode.

I did this for a number of reason, but the main reason was to allow "life to continue" in a normal manner. Basically, IMKY 2008 was not going to be number 1 on my list and I didn't want to burn out. The other reason for the slower approach was the desire to reduce the possibility of injuries. The slower you go the less likely you will pull something or cause some other problem.

This year I'm going to ratchet it up just a bit. I'm going to increase the intensity of all but a few of my workouts. I don't mean 7 minute miles on the run or 25 mph bikes, but more toward the middle of my ability levels. I'm hoping this will pay off for IMWI 2009 and that I can stay injury free -- the first sign of increased injuries and I'm back to the Base only plan. I just need to get my body to the line healthy and I'll do the rest...


Triteacher said...

Oooh, it's fun to go fast though -- here's to ratcheting things up! (Injury-free!)

Melissa said...

Sounds like a plan. You motivate me so much when I read your blog. Thanks. I'm off to my personal trainer today. I'll let you know how it goes.