Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Normal Kick in the ...

In order to catch back up my fitness level that had been slacking since the Holiday's, I've been on my "Run until you're fit" campaign.

So, ever since last Friday I have run a hour each day on the treadmill. The first couple of days (4 to be exact), no problems easy runs. Then yesterday came the "wow, this is hard run". Followed by today's this is easy again run, until I laid down in the sunroom to enjoy the sun and woke up a hour later.

Every year I go through these cycles -- as my fitness level increases and I move to that "next level", my body responds by either being very tired or very hungry. Yesterday my body added the "very thirsty" to the mix and today was the "very tired". Once I get through this week, then I'll get back to normal until I need to make that next step -- long run, long bike, or long swim.

I'm planning on running every day for a hour to get that base back and then slowly add some time to the daily run until I'm ready to hit the marathon training plan.

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