Tuesday, October 2, 2007

IronMan Louisville 2008 pre-planning

Ok, it has been about one month since the end of IronMan Wisconsin and another eleven months until I toe the starting line to participate in the IronMan Louisville 2008. So far I have spent the last month just chilling and getting things done that I had put on hold over the last year or so. My workout schedule has been un-scheduled with lots of cross training and small workout days. I think the longest run that I have completed in the last month was a four miler a few weeks back. I have only been on the actual road with my road bike three times and on the trainer a few more times. I have not been in the water since IronMan Wisconsin – need to renew that pool membership soon.

So, where does that leave me at this point? Well, my plan is to relax and take a few months off after the IronMan and just get back to enjoying the workouts again and trying a few new cross training items. Last year I started my training the day after the IronMan Wisconsin 2006 (didn’t participate in the 2006 IronMan) and did not stop until I completed this year’s IronMan. This year I’ll do it a little bit different, but I do plan on using the same workout schedule that I did last year. I will be adding in some weight training to increase my upper-body strength, but I still need to do more research on the Internet to find a weight training plan that will work for me and my IronMan training.

Last year I used a modified version of the Trifuel.com IronMan training schedule. I basically took that schedule and just made it longer to extend it to the entire year of training. Then when I got to the summer, I switched off of this schedule into a plan that I created using a combination of other IronMan schedules that I found on the Internet – this worked great.

I basically had four phases to my training for IronMan Wisconsin:

1. Learn to swim – I spent months in the pool just trying to get were I could make it more than a couple of laps. It took me three months just to get my breathing down – once that came, then the rest came pretty fast. Open water swimming began at the end of May 2007 and I swam the rest of the year in the open water, mainly in the waters of Lake Michigan.

2. Build the endurance – I used the Trifuel.com schedule, but I did not do any speed or tempo training – strictly slow and long. This lead up to the 2007 Green Bay Marathon which I completed in May.

3. Learn to ride the bike – after the Marathon, then all my focus was to get time on the bike. I had been riding the bike on the trainer all winter, but I needed the road experience. Ended up riding around 1800 miles in 2 ½ months with 3 rides on the IronMan course for the full 112 miles.

4. Learn to compete in Tri’s – prior to signing up for the IronMan, I had not participated in a triathlon. So, the summer of 2007 I participated in a Sprint tri, Olympic tri, Half-IronMan tri, and of course the IronMan.

This year will be a bit different – I’ll probably spend most of my time in “Build the endurance” and also much more time cross training to keep everything fresh and fun.


Michelle said...

Wow, you definitely accomplished a lot in one year's time. Next year should be a kick.

See you this weekend. I'll be the clueless looking one! Good luck.

Go Mom Go said...

Check out opentri.com

It is the same guy that wrote the trifuel plan (Mike) anyway, he has his own site with a forum and everything. You can post questions and he will actually answer them and help you with fitting weights, speedwork (or not), etc into the mix. I followed the plan for Louisville and will probably do it again.

I will let you know when we make plans to go ride Louisville! Yeah!
I am going to try to figure out a way to create a blog that we can all post to...like the IMCDA2008 one. I will let you know once I get a chance to play around with it.


Team Brazo said...

Thanks for the info on the trifuel plan -- that is nice that he'll answer questions.

Great idea for the "shared" blog -- let me know if you need any assistance in setting that up.

Enjoy your day...

Go Mom Go said...

Go ahead and lets use the shared blog you reserved. I have a couple of other bloggers that I have listed on my site that are doing Louisville and they may be interested in joining as well.

Thanks for taking the initiative!!
