Sunday, July 13, 2008

Creative IronMan Training...

This morning the waves were coming hard onto shore at the Cottage. The winds were around 25kts with gusts to 35kts -- not a good day for a bike ride.

I had a 60 minute run on my schedule along with a 90 minute bike ride. So, I decide in the morning to head out and get the run done. I figured I'd hopefully wait for the winds to die down and then maybe get my bike ride in.

Around 3 PM I figured the winds were not going to die down and I needed a new plan. I noticed on my run that if I stayed down by the shore of the Bay that the wind was blocked by the trees and the homes. So, I decided to complete my 90 minute bike ride using my Cottage running route -- 5 miles with one fairly steep hill.

I made my way along the route for 7 loops with each loop having a steep hill to climb. I figured at some point the neighbors would be out in their lawn chairs cheering me on. Worked out great, not much wind to deal with and I got in some good hill work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe we were neighbors about 40 years ago- My mom was just recently in contact with your mom and found out that you had done Ironman- I'm in training for IM Wisconsin- it will be my first! Get in touch with me through my work of course you don't know me, then ignore this- I could have somehow stumbled upon the wrong Ironman blog)

Pat Gallagher