Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Next up for Team BRAZO - Muddy Buddy

Next up for Team BRAZO will be the Muddy Buddy race in Chicago. Mrs. Team BRAZO and out sister-in-law will form one team -- Oldest Mini and myself will form the other team -- and Youngest Mini will be competing in the kids Muddy Buddy.

The Muddy Buddy is a 7 mile race as a team with one member of the team using a bike and the other member of the team running. You complete 6 or 7 obsticalls with one person riding the bike to the obstical and the other running -- then you switch with the other person riding the bike and the other running. You end the race with a race/crawl through the mud.

Oldest Mini has the bright idea that we should dress up like 70's basketball players -- short shorts, yellow headband, etc.

Looking forward to some fun...

1 comment:

IronTriTim said...

Team Brazo, email me your cell and we must try and meet and say hi. I'm in the team Norfolk N Chance.