Sunday, November 23, 2008

20/20/20 Got it Done...

As I stated in an earlier post, I'm upping the ante just a bit this year with some more intensity in my workouts. For most IronMan participants, my hard workouts are probably like their "down" days -- but whatever, they work for me.

So, I have been doing my 10 minute warmup + 5/2/5/2/5 + 20 minute cooldown bike rides on the trainer. That is 5 minutes at 20+mph then 2 minutes recovery spin followed by another 5 minutes at 20+ mph then 2 minutes recovery -- and on.

Today I was able for the first time to keep the 20+mph speed for all 3 -- 5 minute spins. I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that I had off on Saturday, so the day of rest might have made me fresh.

Also picked up the speed on the treadmill to 7.2 mph or just over 8 minute miles. Everything is going well so far...

1 comment:

Formulaic said...

Nice job with the extra push on the trainer.

I was working on this too. I was working on 5 x 5 for hour.

IT was a hell of workout. I really need to get back on that.

Thanks for the inspiration!